Posts Tagged ‘creativity’

Creativity is everywhere. And i meant it. Just open your eyes slightly wider and you should see, how such a simple thing such as a shampoo bottle contains whole loads of creativity (and innovation) in it (just look at the new design ‘clairol herbal essence’ shampoo and you’ll understand). Therefore, creativity could be put everywhere […]

I wish I had time to make a few of these. Wouldn’t these be cute to use on my next trip to the grocery store? People would probably laugh me out of the store especially with the condition of my old tees. That is a scary thought. Oh yes, I can see my fave-dark brown-live-lightly-t’s […]

Here’s the thing about Indonesian culture. Once some kind of lifestyle becomes a Hit, it does really Hit. Big time, that is. Really positive, from a certain angle and destructive, when you see it from another angle. About a month ago, we were strolling through Pondok Indah Mall on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Just like […]