project #4: t-shirt bag


I wish I had time to make a few of these. Wouldn’t these be cute to use on my next trip to the grocery store? People would probably laugh me out of the store especially with the condition of my old tees. That is a scary thought.

Oh yes, I can see my fave-dark brown-live-lightly-t’s next carnation. Yes, Live Lightly Tour shirt you have been a blessed soulful T shirt. You shall live on. You will help me save plastic bags from strangling Mother Earth.

Turning an old T-shirt into a reusable shopping or grocery bag is a simple, clever craft to help everyone be “green.” It’s a Good Thing that will help protect the environment.
Tools and Materials:

  • Heavy-weight cotton T-shirt

  • Pins

  • Sewing machine

  • Medium-size bowl

  • Water-erasable marking pen

  • Scissors

The How-to:

  1. Turn T-shirt inside out and pin bottom of the T-shirt along the hem. Using a sewing machine, sew bottom of T-shirt closed. Flip shirt right side out and lay flat on table, making sure all seams are lined up.
  2. Place medium-size bowl about half-way over the neck hole. Using a water-erasable marking pen, trace along the edge of the bowl. Cut along the outline, making sure to go through the front and back sides of the shirt, in order to create an opening for the bag that’s larger than what the neck hole allows.
  3. Line up the hems on the front and back side of the sleeve and cut, making sure to go through both sides of the shirt. Repeat on the other sleeve. Tip: A jersey shirt would also work well for this craft, as it is already sleeveless, and it’s made of a great mesh material.

2 Responses to “project #4: t-shirt bag”

  1. Not a bad idea. I’m not sure how long it would last though.

  2. 2 pickashirt

    Hi guys,
    I would suggest pickashirt for custom shirts as’s objective is to offer you a quality custom hand tailored shirt to your measurements and your designs that is affordable and painless to order.

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