Project #3: Batik for Charity


Here’s the thing about Indonesian culture. Once some kind of lifestyle becomes a Hit, it does really Hit. Big time, that is. Really positive, from a certain angle and destructive, when you see it from another angle.

About a month ago, we were strolling through Pondok Indah Mall on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Just like Newton’s law of attraction, when the rain hits the city, here in Jakarta, people rush into the malls. So, that Sunday, PIM is really packed. Walking around searching for a place to eat, we start to notice a frequent occurrences: everybody wears Batik!

So we’re gonna cut the slack and present to you our 3rd creativity project; Batik for Charity.

This project is what we did about 2 weeks before Hari Raya, which in our opinion will possibly create a big demand for moslem and traditional clothing to wear to other family and colleagues’ crib. Silaturahmi or fashion show baju muslim one of our member’s mom (who is a Batik producer and designer) likes to call it or at least to spend their THR money to shop for clothes. The idea is to create a few modern and different than the other Batik fabricated clothes and turn it into cute designs to wear in the Hari Raya or other events. The marketing team is one of our member’s mom, cause she’s a born-marketer and she has a few loyal customer from her boutique. The production team was her employees (Sorry for the lack of motives here, nepotism) and the designer is us! The profit of the sales will 50% goes to the employee and 35% to charity (panti asuhan), while the remaining 15% goes to our own THR hee-hee 😀

Here are some clothes design that wehave come up with, if you like to order pleaseee do contact us! Danke.

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