mac book her.



what is scamper? scamper is the method to develop new ideas and innovation to the product that existed. our group choose the Apple Mac Book as the product-to-be-scampered.

apple mac book

apple mac book

scamper stands for substitute, combine, adapt, modify, put into other use, eliminate and rearrange.

here, our group try to develop ‘mac book her’. illustrated by it’s name, this new type of mac book is targeted for women (especially the working ones). the product will be describe below:


Indicator lamp can be substitute using LED lamp to save 4 times less energy (in terms of use of watt)

Iron material substitutes with similar-with-plastic material (but environmental friendly) for a lighter weight

Original LCD substitutes with touch-screen LCD, with error correction QWERTY keyboard


Combine LCD monitor with mirror, to provide women-on-the-go the ease to check their appearance

Combine build-in iSight with eye retina detector to check weight, blood rate, fat rate, cardio, pregnancy test, and heart rate.

Combine with little make-up kit consist of oil-blotting paper, lip gloss, mascara, eye liner, and eye shadow. Each make up will show one by one by clicking ‘make-up kit’ button on the LCD touch screen.

Combine the processor with GPS with shopping directory so by clicking a button the top of the laptop the touch screen will show shopping directory which can let us know a map to certain store, the newest apparel and house utilities trends, and their prices and most importantly, SALE items.

Combine charger with solar panel so we can mix with solar energy to minimize usage of electricity.


mac book her concept design

mac book her concept design


We adapt the function of make-up case, function of DNA detector, and shopping directory using GPS so we turn the whole function to assess the needs of busy women who still needs to look good and take care of them selves (while making their way to the top).


Modify body to be flexible so that Mac Book can be folded and put in our bag just like a pocket notebook.

Magnify the usage into shopping directory, make up case, and DNA detector.

Minify the size to 11 inch and can be folded to ¼ of it size.

Modify color. Totally changeable, to suits everyday wardrobe change.

Modify the the notebook to be able to produce smell (customizable, for example I could modify my mac book her to smell like ‘clinique happy’ or other kind of smell)

put into other use.

We can use the Mac Book as a short-cut for business woman who has limited time on their busy schedule to still look their best for business deals, meeting, event, etc. We can also use this new Mac Book as fashion directory on shopping malls, department store, and boutique. Clothing companies can also use the new feature as their advertising media to attract customer.


We will eliminate all iron material on the body of the mac book to reduce weight, and to avoid waste which can not be recycled.

Eliminate clicker.

Eliminate all un-necessary light


If we use the Mac Book in reverse, we can use it as a fully-function 12 mega pixel digital camera.

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