some words about innovation.


innovating. to create something new. improvements.

something to make our life better.


back then, a person created pencil (i’ll find out later who the person is).


pencil in the early days.

pencil in the early days.




pencil nowadays. with eraser on top.

pencil nowadays. with eraser on top.


pencil now comes with eraser on top.


seems like a such tiny change. but look at the result. isn’t it marvelous?

admit it, people makes mistakes. that’s why the eraser on top of the pencil will help us a LOT when we write something with a pencil. yes, eraser could be use separately, but by putting the small eraser on top of the pencil, we saves more time (that usually use to find the eraser, and i always lost mine) to do the writing.

big improvement sometimes comes in a small package. consequently, don’t hesitate to make a change. to innovate. because it may turn your life 100% better than before.


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